iWALK3.0 Hands Free Crutch

$169.00 USD

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Sizing, Capacity, and Qualification for Use

1. Physical Qualifications Checklist


Before your injury, could you fluidly walk up and down stairs at a normal pace, without using a handrail?


Can you balance on your uninjured foot for at least 30 seconds.

Lower Leg Injury

Your injury is to one leg and it is below your knee. Your uninjured leg is fully functional.

2. Size Range and Capacity

Weight Capacity

iWALK supports up to 275 lb.

Upper Thigh Circumference

Adjusts to fit thigh circumference up to 27 inches.

Leg Length / Height Range

If you are between 5’2″ to 6’2″ your leg is within the leg length range. If shorter than 5’2″ or taller than 6’2″, you must confirm that your leg length is within the ranges show in the diagram below⬇️

iWALK3.0 Leg Length Range Diagram

3. Watch Qualification for Use Video for Additional Requirements

Height? Weight? Age? Other?

Before you buy, it’s essential that you determine if iWALK crutch will work for you. Watch this video and find out if you meet the Qualifications for Use.

4. Set Realistic Expectations

iWALK Crutch - What it is / What it isn't

To help you have realistic expectations, an occupational therapist shares her experience using the iWALK3.0 for her broken foot.

"It takes some time to get used to"

Emily shares her experience using the iWALK for the first time and after she has fully adapted.

iwalk30 features 01

User Reviews

30-Day FREE Returns

For more information visit iWALKFree Warranty & Return Policy.

Easy to Follow Instructional Videos

Knowing how to fit and use the iWALK crutch isn’t knowledge you were born with. Small adjustments make a BIG difference. So don’t go it alone – let us show you how.
See our detailed video instructions.

Shipping Information

Like most companies, we use UPS, FedEx, DHL, and other common carriers to deliver your order. The delivery times we provide you come from these carriers, and we are dependent on their accuracy. While most orders are received on time, delays can happen. iWALKFree is not responsible for errors made by the shipping companies. Visit iWALKFree Shipping Policy page to learn more.

Most locations have the availability of free next day or 2 day delivery. We place inventory in warehouses across the country – your delivery time depends on how close the nearest warehouse is to your location. If 1-2 day service is not available in your area, standard ground shipping is also available. Delivery time is calculated at checkout.
Free 1-2 Day delivery and discounted overnight shipping are not available for shipments to Alaska or Hawaii. Due to limitations with our fulfillment company, we cannot provide you with solutions using our online shopping cart. BUT we want to take care of you. In order for us to research all possibilities to get you an iWALK crutch as quickly and economically possible, please CALL US @ 562-653-4222 to place your order over the phone. We are available from 8am – 4pm PT.

iWALK3.0 Hands Free Crutch

$169.00 USD
Payment options US04A
Payment options US04B

FSA & HSA Approved Purchase. Now you can use your HSA/FSA account when you purchase from iWALKFree.

Most locations have the availability of free next day, 2 day or 3 day delivery. Delivery time is calculated at checkout.

Why Buy Factory Direct?