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iW30 Life Style walking a dog01
iW30 girl walking outdoors 02
iW30 Life Style walking bbq
iW30 Life Style Doctors

Go Where You Want, Do What You Want

Crutches hurt your hands, wrists and underarms. Knee scooters are heavy and bulky. Neither lets you use your hands and arms, so everyday tasks are impossible.

The iWALK provides hands free, pain free mobility for below-the-knee injuries. This award winning, doctor recommended, clinically proven crutch alternative allows you to remain functional during your recovery. You can carry that cup of coffee, walk your dog, cook, clean, take care of children, go up and down stairs, go to work – do all those things you need to do in safety and confidence. iWALK is the crutch of the future; available now.


Go Where You Want
Do What You Want

Escape the pain and inconvenience of standard crutches and knee scooters.   Go hands free with the iWALK crutch and carry a cup of coffee, walk the dog, childcare, work, cooking – have a fully functional recovery.   iWALK is the crutch of the future; available now.


Can You Use the iWALK Crutch?

Height? Weight? Age? Other?

Find out if iWALK Crutch will work for you. Watch our Qualification for Use Video or take our online test before you buy.

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Doctor Recommended, Clinically Proven

Independent clinical research has proven that the iWALK crutch is safe, effective and provides medical benefits that are superior to other mobility devices. Preferred by 90% of patients, recommended by doctors, the iWALK crutch is your clear choice


Get Your Life Back.
Hands-Free, Pain-Free Mobility

Free 1-2 Day Delivery

to most locations

HSA/FSA approved iWALK Hands-Free Crutch