“I will never be able to describe in words how much the iWALK 2.0 has done for me and my family”

Before the iWALK 2.0

“On Labor day 2013 I ruptured my Achilles Tendon. Two days later, Ihad a major surgical repair of my tendon. I was given 12 weeks non-weight bearing for my left leg. For the first 2.5 weeks I used crutches and a wheelchair to get around. Before my injury I was a very active person. I worked out 3-4 times a week, ran in a few Warrior Dashes, coached soccer, not to mention all of the daily household activities. Then I ruptured my Achilles and all of my activities came to a complete stop. I could get around on crutches and the wheelchair but that is it – I couldn’t do anything with my hands. It didn’t take long for the depression to start sinking in. My wife and two young boys could tell I was not the happy and energetic husband/father that I once was. I became more and more tired and irritable each day, but then I heard about the iWALK 2.0.”

While Using the iWALK 2.0

“The night I heard of the iWALK 2.0 I got online and Googled the contraption. When I found out it was only $149.00, it was a no-brainer to give it a try. A couple days later I was assembling the iWALK 2.0 and getting it to fit me just right. Within about 20 minutes I was taking my first steps in nearly 3 weeks. The freedom to walk hands-free and do so many simple things that I used to take for granted is something to cherish. My family could see the difference in my mental state starting that very first day. I was so happy to be able to walk and do things for myself and for my family. I was able to cook dinner that night, help with the cleanup, help get my kids ready for bed and then tuck them in for the first time since the injury. I am back to working out 3-4 times a week, coaching soccer and doing all my daily household activities. The Warrior Dashes will have to wait, but I can do almost anything I want except run. My recovery time will be dramatically less because of the mental and physical help the iWALK 2.0 has provided. I will never be able to describe in words how much the iWALK 2.0 has done for my family and I. It gave me back a life that had been taken away from me. I have been able to go to an NFL game and maneuver the stadium with ease, and I even took my family on a camping trip and set up camp, tent, chairs, food and fire. I can once again go outside and throw the ball with my boys, play laser tag with them and go on an evening walk with my wife, kids and dog as a whole family. The iWALK 2.0 turned a temporarily life changing injury into just a couple months of wearing a really cool looking peg leg. People ask me about it everywhere I go and I never get tired of explaining it to them how great the device works for me. The iWALK 2.0 won’t change your life, it lets you keep the one you always had! Thank you for developing this product.”

Erich Courtad