Most metatarsal fractures don’t require surgery but you’ll need to follow your doctor’s treatment plan to ensure you make a full recovery. For mild stress fractures, you may only need to take it easy for a few weeks and avoid activities that cause pain. You may be given an orthopedic boot or specially designed shoe and will probably be able to walk relatively unimpeded.
For more severe fractures you may need a non-weight-bearing period when you can’t weight your foot at all for up to six weeks. This is essential to give the bone a chance to heal, so it’s important to follow your doctor’s guidelines. You may also need to wear a cast or walking boot during this time to protect your healing metatarsal bone, and you’ll need a mobility device like crutches, a knee scooter or a hands-free crutch to help you get around.
Once you receive clearance from your doctor, you’ll be able to gradually add weight to your foot again and, over a few weeks, begin to resume normal activities.