Derek Carr’s Fractured Fibula Less Debilitating with iWALK2.0

As All Eyes Turn to Football With the Superbowl, at Iwalkfree, We Can’t Help but Wonder How Many Players Could Have Benefitted From Using the iwalk2.0 During Injury Recovery?

As all eyes turn to football with the Superbowl this Sunday,  at iWALKFree, we can’t help but wonder how many players could have benefitted from using the iWALK2.0 during injury recovery.

Derek Carr’s injury is probably 2017’s the most notable player injury. The Oakland Raiders had an incredible season with serious hopes of getting to the Superbowl, but that all came to an end with quarterback Derek Carr suffered a broken fibula in December, rendering him out of play indefinitely. Doctors recommended surgery and 6-8 weeks of non-weight bearing activity.

Rather than taking the Raiders to the playoffs for the first time in 14 years, Derek Carr was trudging around on crutches, contemplating a move to Las Vegas, and sitting on the couch watching Tom Brady go for his 5th Superbowl title. We’re not saying that the iWALK2.0 could have changed all of that, but it sure could have helped get Carr back on his feet, weight training, and ultimately preparing for a playoff run in 2018!

In addition to Derek Carr, players like Robert NkemdicheC.J. MosleyRobert Blanton and Dean Marlowe were all sidelined during the season due to injuries of their lower extremities.  Each of these players, and many others like them, are working towards rapid and complete recoveries.

For all of them, the iWALK2.0 could serve as an indispensable part of their recovery regime providing exceptional mobility, the ability to be on the field with teammates, the option to continue working out while recovering, and reduced atrophy in the injured leg. iWALK2.0 is a powerful tool for getting injured players into the gym and back on the field.

iWALK2.0 is currently working with collegiate and NFL football teams across the country. Trainers and athletes alike are ecstatic when they hear about iWALK2.0, and immediately recognize the extreme benefits it provides injured athletes. Many football players have tried knee scooters, but have you ever tried rolling a knee scooter on turf? Impossible! The iWALK2.0 keeps players on the field with their team, running through drills, and even sometimes able to participate. Athletic trainers find the ability to continue weight training on the iWALK2.0 indispensable. Many note that atrophy, which can happen at a rate of close to 2% daily, is greatly reduced when players use the iWALK2.0 rather than crutches or knee scooters.

Football Players Fractured Fibula less debilitating iWALK hands-free crutch

We recently heard from Colin, a rising college football star who suffered what could have been a career-ending Achilles tendon tear.  Devastated, he was immediately stripped of his mobility and expected to be out of practice for months! Prescribed crutches, Colin quickly learned their limits. “I found it excruciatingly difficult to perform everyday tasks such as carrying my water bottle to the sink to refill it!”

Not only did crutches limit his mobility, but they were brutal on his body. Raw and chafed armpits and painful wrists made it impossible for Collin to throw a football and even lift small weights. Not only would he be sidelined from the game, but Collin began to worry about his ability to maintain some physical fitness during recovery.

Fortunately, Colin discovered the iWALK2.0 and immediately found freedom of movement. He could work out in the gym and even throw the ball around with his teammates. Taking part in as much training as possible with the rest of the guys was a key component to getting back on the field as soon as possible.

Colin felt completely liberated, walking at least a mile on his iWALK2.0 everyday! And thanks to the fact that the iWALK2.0 still requires movement of the injured leg, Colin suffered significantly less atrophy that he would if he had used just crutches or a knee scooter. After only a few days on the iWALK2.0, Colin recognized that he would be back on the football field much sooner than predicted. “This product has afforded me the ability to reclaim my independence and get back in the weight room sooner than I ever thought possible. If a lower leg injury has constricted your way of life, this product will be the best investment you’ll ever make,” says Collin.

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