Placing ice on the most painful area of the ankle while you rest will also be helpful. It can be done throughout the day to help with swelling and pain relief. You can ice for up to 20 minutes, up to four times a day, but do not place the ice directly on your skin. Use a thin cloth between the ice and your skin to protect from ice burn. If your skin becomes red or numb, remove the ice pack, and ice for shorter periods of time.
A compression wrap can help control swelling while immobilizing and supporting your injured ankle. Applying a compression wrap, elastic bandage or Ace bandage is fairly easy and can be done at home. For a quick reference on the correct method, here’s a video: “How to Wrap an Ankle With an Ace Bandage.” For additional support you can wear a protective brace or splint. Both are relatively inexpensive and can be found at most drugstores.
Whenever possible, elevate your sprained ankle to help prevent or limit swelling. Elevating the injured ankle above your heart keeps fluid and blood from pooling in the ankle due to gravity. The best way to elevate your sprained ankle in bed is to place several pillows under your leg, one under your knee and one under the ankle. You can also elevate your ankle in a recliner, but place several pillows under it so it’s higher than your heart. Keep your ankle elevated for 48 hours and don’t walk on it.
If your sprain improves with the RICE treatment, seeing a doctor may not be necessary. However, if you experience any of the following symptoms you should see a doctor:
- The pain is difficult to bear,
- The swelling doesn’t go down with the RICE treatment,
- You experience significant instability in the joint.
Be cautious, because self-diagnosed ankle sprains can often hide a broken bone. If your ankle isn’t improving, see a doctor who may order X-rays to check for broken bones in the foot or ankle. The injured ligament may feel tender, and the doctor may need to move your ankle into a variety of positions to determine which ligament has been hurt or torn.