Canada Africa Community Health Alliance

Founded in 2001, the Canada Africa Community Health Alliance (CACHA) is a humanitarian organization that seeks to improve population health and provide medical care and education to remote African communities. They accomplish this through providing resources based on the determinants of health that include: childhood education, water and sanitation, women’s rights, income security, housing and nutrition. They provide materials, infrastructure, and the exchange of skill development in order to create a positive outcome on health in supported regions of operation. In addition, they provide shelter, care and education for hundreds of unfortunate orphans and vulnerable children and youth through scholarships, building of schools and training centers, provision of basic equipment and food.

Check out their website!

Donation Instructions

Making a donation to CACHA is quick and easy! Simply fill out the Product Donation Form and include it with your iWALKFree device. It is best to try to ship your device in the same box that it was sent to you in since it is an exact fit.

Address the box to:

1 Nicholas Street, Suite 300
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7

Who do I contact?

No direct contact is necessary before mailing your donation. If you have questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to call CACHA at: 613 234-9992 or by e-mail at:

How do I receive my donation receipt?

Once your donation is received and processed CACHA will mail you a Letter of Receipt to be used for tax deduction purposes.  It is essential that you complete the Product Donation Form and include it with your donation if you would like to receive a Letter of Receipt.   Please note that charities do not provide a valuation of your donation – that is for you to determine.  If you have valuation questions,  please check with your tax professional.